
Fuck. These. People.

Note: I will attempt to not lapse into foaming, incoherent rage during this. I will try to use words, and not just inarticulate, disconnected swearing. Wish me luck.

I didn't think they'd actually do it.

They did. This backwards, hick-ass town, after seemingly being shamed into treating one of it's citizens like a human being, organized a "fake prom" for Constance McMillen to bring her girlfriend to. It was attended by herself and a bare handful of other students, described as "outcasts" in most reports.

May all appropriate gods bless that handful of students. I pray they have long, fulfilling lives and that even the good lady Eris smiles upon them.

The rest of the students went to the "real prom", a private affair set up by some parents. It was held at a local country club. It was an open secret in the town. They kept it from Constance. They gloated on their Facebook pages. This was the "real prom", no outcasts allowed.

I assume, if you are a human being, you feel sick right now. Can you imagine it? A conspiracy, involving virtually the ENTIRE TOWN, with one purpose - to keep one girl from enjoying a special moment with someone she loved.

As of the last census, the town had a population of 3,882 people. That's not a whole lot smaller than the suburb I grew up in. And almost all of them were involved. They met in secret. They planned. They worked hard. They pooled their money. And they did it, just to EXCLUDE ONE GIRL.

Think about that. Really, think about it. The town vs. one girl. They decided en masse that it was imperative to EXCLUDE ONE GIRL. She could not be allowed, under any circumstances, to be happy. And they worked hard to make sure that she wouldn't be.

This is what people are capable of. This is humanity, laid bare. Never try to kid yourself that we can't do this. This is Milgram. This is the Stanford prison. This is Selma. And if you think I'm being overdramatic, fuck you. Put yourself in her shoes. Imagine 3,000 people with the single minded goal to fuck you over, completely and unconditionally. And they feel good about it. That it was right and fair. Because the fact that you might be happy would interfere with their lives.

I hope Constance McMillen takes the opportunities given to her by the publicity stemming from this. She deserves all of them and more. I hope she finds a place to be happy among civilized people who will accept her.

I hope to hear nothing more of Fulton, Mississippi. I hope the town dwindles and dies. I hope that it's children, when asked where they are from after fleeing, make up a fake town rather than say the name of Fulton, Mississippi.

I don't really know how to end this. I was angry when I started, now I'm just sad.

Fuck it, here's a LOLcat.

funny pictures of cats with captions